About Us

About Us2018-04-23T11:37:16-04:00

What to know

At our core, we are devoted to helping children avoid that all-too-common struggle to take medicine because it either tastes awful or because it’s just no fun to be sick. We make medicine time less stressful for parents while helping pharmacies enhance and personalize their customer experience.

We’ve been helping children take their medicine since 1994. The FLAVORx Pediatric System is available in more than 46,000 chain and independent pharmacies. Using our copyrighted flavoring recipes, pharmacists have safely flavored 100 million prescription and over-the-counter medications, reducing stress levels for parents and giving children the control over their own wellness.

How it all began…

FLAVORx was founded in 1994 in an act of desperation. A DC area pharmacist and his son were at wit’s end trying to get the son’s epileptic daughter to take her medicine. After many late nights in the pharmacy, the father and son duo came up with a new flavor that they hoped would mask the awful taste of her medicine. With fingers crossed, the son approached his daughter with a syringe full of the custom-flavored medicine while his pharmacist dad looked on. To their delight, the young girl not only took that dose without issue but never again struggled to take her epilepsy medicine.

Thinking (and knowing) that there must be other children struggling to take medicine, the pharmacist and his son came up with a medication flavoring system that was then sold to other local pharmacies. It became such a hit that within months, pharmacies across the nation were knocking on the door.

Who we are

Though we’re a small team of fewer than 50 employees, we think big. We are a team built of business-minded, growth driven industry experts. We are problem solvers and at the very core of our team, we all understand that what we do is ultimately for the good of our pharmacy partners and their customers.